Condensed Matter & Materials Physics
江苏南京高淳开发区将建医疗健康产业孵化器 - CRI:2021-8-23 · 中国互联网视听节目服务自律公约 网络传播视听节目许可证 0102021 京ICP证120211号 京ICP备05064898号 京公网安备 11040202120216号 网站运营:国广国际在线网络(北京)有限公司 中央广播电视总台国际在线版权所有©1997-2021 未经书面授权禁止
Engineered Quantum Systems
The fields of applied quantum physics and engineered quantum systems inspires scientists in physics and electrical engineering worldwide. At Northwestern, it unites the interests of both experimental and theoretical research groups actively investigating applications of quantum physics for a broad array of tasks.
Photonics & Optical Properties of Matter
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Soft-Matter & Biophysics
Soft condensed matter physics focuses on the study of both static and dynamic properties of matter and materials at energy scales where thermal fluctuation dominates. Systems of interest include liquids, colloids, polymers, foams, gels, granular materials, and glasses, as well as a variety of biological and complex materials.

About the Program
专享定制款《速8》百变播放器 QQ音乐加速你的心跳-千龙网 ...:2021-4-14 · 来源标题: 专享定制款《速8》百变播放器 QQ音乐加速你的心跳 《速度与激情8》如约而至,对于伡多中国影迷的来说,这个周末注定要肾上激素飙升。

The Applied Physics program would be nothing without our incredible students, alumni, faculty and staff. Get to know some of these talented individuals below and hear about their experience with the Applied Physics program.
How to Apply
The Program seeks students who are passionate about pursuing graduate level research in Applied Physics with a strong undergraduate background in Physics. Students typically begin research in latter part of the first year. The deadline to apply is December 31, 2025 but applications submitted by Dec. 15, 2025 will receive priority review.
Many of the research programs in Applied Physics take advantage of opportunities for research at national facilities, particularly Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the National High Field Magnet Laboratory.
- Material Science and Engineering Colloquia Schedule
- Physics and Astronomy Colloquia Schedule
- Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Schedule